Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Athlete Spotlight: Elusive Lakeland junior passionate about football

Lakeland junior Anthony Capozzi is a halfback/defensive back on the varsity football team. He also plays lacrosse.

By Rob DiAntonio
Of Yorktown News

How old were you when you first started playing football and how did you get into it? 
I started playing football when I was 9 years old and I got into it just from having catches with my dad in the backyard.

What do you think are your strengths as a football player and how would you describe your style as a running back? 
My strengths as a football player are my quickness and speed but my passion and heart is to win. My style of running back would be elusive with great vision.

After experiencing some close, tough losses to Walter Panas and Eastchester, how did it feel to pick up a big win over John Jay-Cross River, especially with it coming on homecoming?
Beating John Jay really lifted the spirt of our team. We went into the game as loose as we could be and played Lakeland football. It felt amazing to win that game in front of alumni and our whole school. Felt great to finally play a complete game and come away with a big victory.

The team has been scoring a ton of points and is one of the top scoring teams in Section 1. What has clicked offensively? 
Everything. Our line is blocking great and the backs and receivers have great chemistry.

In Week 2, the team had a heartbreaking triple overtime loss to Eastchester. How did you refocus yourself after a crushing loss like that? 
We came to practice the next day and were ready to go after Peekskill and learned from our mistakes in the loss.
Tell us about a few players on the team that you feel have really stepped up so far and are impressing you on the field? 
Brian Prunty, has taken a huge leadership role for the team and has been playing like a man against boys. Greg Lenane has had huge, clutch plays offensively and really has stepped up on defense, as well as Andrew Sofroniou.  Alex Delic, Zack Nusbaum and Kevin Petriccione have really anchored our line giving the backs huge holes.

What are the goals/expectations for the team this season? 
We are trying to stay competitive and make a run for the playoffs.

How would you describe who Anthony Capozzi is to the readers at home? 
Hardworking student and athlete that is always making people laugh.

Tell us one thing about yourself that not a lot of people may know? 
I love to fish.

Have you decided on a college yet and why did you pick that college? If not, have you narrowed down where you want to go? 
Just starting the college process now.

What’s your favorite subject in school and why? 
I would say pre-calculus because I find the class fun and my teacher is great.

When you’re not playing sports, what do you like to do with your free time? 
Spend time with my friends and family.

Who has been your biggest role model over the years and what have you learned from them? 
Definitely my dad. He’s taught me to always be the best you can be and never get satisfied with your achievements. Always push for more.

Favorite sports team and why? 
New York Giants. Love the G-Men!

Favorite athlete?
Bo Jackson

Favorite show on television? 
“Big Bang Theory”

Favorite movie of all time? 
“Friday Night Lights”

Favorite band/artist?
Imagine Dragons

Facebook or Twitter? Why? 
Twitter! Facebook got way too boring.

If you could pick one place to visit on vacation that you’ve never been to, where would you go and why? 
Italy because it is a beautiful country and my family was from Italy.

Favorite food? 

Best place to eat in Shrub Oak/Yorktown?

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